Muscadine (Carlos)
Residual Sugar

Sparacia Witherell Family Winery & Vineyards
Hernando County, Western Florida
Vineyard Practices:
Tasting Notes
This wine begins with a large blossoming bouquet offull floral scents and a variety of wildflower fragrances. It follows with a steady burst of truly unique grape flavors that are typical of the Muscadine variety. Enjoy it with almost any cheese and sausage combinations, tomato and mozzarella salad, and many varieties of soup.
About The Wine
The Fratelli (Italian for brothers) image, is of my Brother and I in our first tuxedos. We were on our way to our cousin Annette’s wedding, a happy day in old Brooklyn. We two are the Sparacias of the Winery .
About The Winery
Sparacia Witherell Family Winery & Vineyards is located in western Florida, in the historic city of Brooksville.
We are 275 ft. above sea level. Our Winery and Vineyards are on the second highest elevation in Hernando County. We enjoy the sultry breezes off the Gulf of Mexico; where we grow native Muscadine (Vitis Rotundifolia) and Hybrid varieties of wine grapes.
Our Family practices Biodynamic farming methods in our vineyards; and we have a policy of minimal intervention and sustainable agricultural methods to preserve the environment and insure the complex flavors that make each vintage unique.
We invite you to visit the winery…and become part of the family!